Types of oolong tea for Artisanal : 3 Handcrafted Types Known for Complexity


Types of oolong tea for Artisanal : 3 Handcrafted Types Known for Complexity

Oolong tea, often referred to as the "champagne of teas," is renowned for its diversity of flavors and aromas. Within the world of oolong, there is a subset that stands out for its intricate craftsmanship and complex taste profiles – artisanal oolong teas. These teas are meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans, resulting in unique and captivating flavors. In this article, we will explore three handcrafted types of artisanal oolong tea known for their complexity.

1. Tie Guan Yin (Iron Goddess of Mercy)

Tie Guan Yin, often simply called "TGY," is one of the most famous and beloved artisanal oolong teas. Originating from China's Fujian province, this tea is carefully processed to balance oxidation and roasting, resulting in a beautifully complex flavor profile.

The leaves of Tie Guan Yin are hand-picked and skillfully rolled into tight balls. During the oxidation process, the leaves are bruised to release their natural juices, which contribute to the tea's orchid-like aroma and sweet, floral taste. The skilled roasting, often done over charcoal, imparts a slight toasty note that complements the tea's floral undertones. This delicate dance between oxidation and roasting is what makes Tie Guan Yin a true artisanal masterpiece.

Further reading: Roasted Oolong vs. Other Varieties: 3 Key Differences Explained

2. Dong Ding (Frozen Summit)

Dong Ding oolong hails from the Dong Ding Mountain in Taiwan and is celebrated for its rich, complex flavor. What sets it apart is the traditional method of crafting it by hand, which has been passed down through generations.

The leaves are semi-oxidized and then carefully rolled to create tightly compacted pearls. This labor-intensive process enhances the leaves' ability to slowly unfurl during steeping, releasing layers of flavor. Dong Ding oolong is known for its roasted, nutty notes that are expertly balanced with fruity and floral undertones. This intricate flavor profile is a testament to the dedication of the artisans who create it.

3. Bai Hao Oolong (Oriental Beauty)

Bai Hao Oolong, also known as Oriental Beauty, hails from Taiwan and is one of the most visually stunning and flavor-complex oolong teas. It is often considered the "champagne" of oolongs due to its exquisite taste and unique appearance.

This artisanal oolong is harvested using leaves that have been nibbled on by tiny green leafhoppers. The insect's feeding triggers a natural defense mechanism in the tea plant, resulting in a sweet, honey-like flavor. After harvesting, the leaves are oxidized to varying degrees, creating a nuanced taste profile. Bai Hao Oolong is known for its fruity, muscatel grape notes, combined with hints of honey and wildflowers.

In conclusion, artisanal oolong teas are a testament to the artistry and dedication of tea makers. These handcrafted teas, including Tie Guan Yin, Dong Ding, and Bai Hao Oolong, offer a sensory journey with each cup. Their complexity and nuanced flavors make them a delightful choice for tea enthusiasts looking to explore the rich world of oolong teas. Whether you prefer floral, nutty, or honeyed notes, artisanal oolongs have something to offer every discerning palate.